Wednesday 3.20.2024
A. Three or four sets (in 15 minutes) of:
Single Arm KB or DB Overhead Carry x 75 feet each arm
Rest as needed
Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Tall Box Jump x 4-6 reps*
Rest as needed
*If you are not ready for Box Jumps yet, try starting out with Depth Drops, in order to train your lower body to absorb the force that you would if landing on the box. To perform these, simply stand at the front edge of a box or bench. Step off to drop and land on the balls of both feet together, letting the heels meet the floor and absorbing the force with a bend of the knees and hips, but arresting the downward motion as quickly as possible.
B. Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets) for times:
400 Meter Run
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 Dumbbell Push Presses
Note times to complete each set. Choose a loading that will challenge you, but allow for quality movement, and at least one minute of rest before the start of your next set.
A. Take 15 minutes to build to approximately 80-85% of your 1-RM Clean & Jerk
and then…
B. Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets) for max load:
400 Meter Run
5 Clean & Jerks
Your goal is to lift as much as possible over the course of the 25 Clean & Jerk attempts. You can only take 5 attempts per set, so it’s important to make them count. You may increase or decrease loads as needed throughout the sets.
These can be any style of Clean & Jerk that you prefer (Squat Clean, Power Clean, Push Jerk, etc.)
The score for each set will be total weight lifted (ie. 200 lbs. x 5 reps = 1000 lbs.)
Two sets of:
Row 500 Meters @ 85-90%
Run 500 Meters (or Bike 1000m) @ easy pace
Row 400 Meters @ 85-90%
Run 400 Meters (or Bike 800m) @easy pace
Row 300 Meters @ 85-90%
Run 300 Meters (or Bike 600m) @easy pace
Row 200 Meters @ 85-90%
Run 200 Meters (or Bike 400m) @easy pace
Row 100 Meters @ 90-95%
Run 100 Meters (or Bike 200m) @easy pace
Rest walk 5 minute between sets