Friday 11.13.2020


A. Three sets of:Glute Bridge Dumbbell Floor Press x 8-10 reps @ 3011Rest 30 secondsSupine Ring Rows (or Dumbbell Plank Rows) x 10-12 reps @ 2011Rest 30 secondsHollow Hold/Rock x 30-40 secondsRest 30 secondsBand Pull-Aparts x 12-15 reps @ 2111Rest 30 secondsB. Every 4 minutes, for 12 minutes (3 sets):Kettlebell Goblet Step Ups (16-20" Box) x 8-10 repsRest 15-20 secondsKettlebell Sumo Deadlifts x 12-15 repsRest 15-20 secondsWall Climbs x Max Reps in 60 seconds*Maintain a hollow body position throughout on the Wall Climbs, and walk as high onto the wall as you can on each rep. Other options are to complete Shoulder Taps in a Piked Position off of your box, or from a Plank Position.*While these sets are not about speed, you should have at least 60 seconds of rest between sets


A. Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):Split Jerk w/ 2-second Pause in Catch x 2 repsBuild from 50% to approximately 70% of your 1-RMfollowed by....Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:Split Jerk x 1 rep @70-80%Use these sets to work on speed and footwork. Only add load if you feel technically sound.B. Every 4 minutes, for 12 minutes (3 sets):Deadlift x 10 reps*Rest 15-20 secondsDouble-Unders x 40-60 repsRest 15-20 secondsStrict Handstand Push-ups x Max Reps in 60 seconds*Choose a loading on the Deadlift that you can cycle unbroken, and is challenging enough for you, based off feel for the day.*If you don't have Handstand Push-ups yet, look to the Fitness track for other options*While these sets are not about speed, you should have at least 60 seconds of rest between sets.


Every 7 minutes, for 35 minutes (5 sets):800 Meter Bike Erg400 Meter Row200 Meter SkiThe goal of this workout is to maintain consistent pacing across all five sets. Focus on controlling your breathing throughout, and staying tall on the Bike and Rower.If you are unable to maintain a pace that is lower than 2:05 on the Bike or the Rower, scale the distances back to 700 and 350 Meters, respectively


Saturday 11.14.2020


Thursday 11.12.2020