Friday 6.14.2019


A. Three sets of:Turkish Get Up x 2 reps each armRest 60 secondsSupinated Grip Strict Pull-ups x 6 reps @21X0 tempo (add weight if able to make these challenging; alternatively, perform negative-only Pull-ups @51A1 tempo)Rest 60 secondsPistols or Pistol Progressions x 8 reps each legRest 60 secondsB. Four sets for max reps of:45 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or L-Seated Dumbbell Press)Rest 15 seconds45 seconds of Sandbag Carry (10ft = 1 rep; 150/100lb)Rest 15 seconds45 seconds of BurpeesRest 75 seconds


(via @aerobiccapacity)5min warm-up.8 sets:150m at fast “1-mile PR” pace,150m at moderate “jog” pace,150m at fast “1-mile PR” pace,150m at easy “walk” pace..5min cool-down.No additional rest between reps or sets.


Saturday 6.15.2019


Thursday 6.13.2019