Saturday 3.22.2025


In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
100-ft Sandbag Carry
10 Pull-ups (can be scaled up to Chest-to-Bar, or 5/3 Bar Muscle-Ups, or scaled down to Ring Rows)
100-ft Farmer's Carry
10 Ring Dips (or Hand-Release Push-ups)
100-ft Bear Crawl
10/8 Calorie Echo Bike

*This workout will be completed in a "follow-the-leader" fashion: Partner 1 performs a 100-ft Sandbag carry, then Partner 2 performs a 100-ft Sandbag Carry; Partner 1 performs 10 Pull-ups, then Partner 2 performs 10 Pull-ups; and so on, for 30 minutes.


In teams of two, switching every 30 seconds, complete SIX sets for max reps/calories of:
60 Seconds of Burpees
60 Seconds of V-Ups
60 Seconds of Box Jumps (or Step Ups)
60 Seconds of Bike Erg, Ski Erg, or Echo Bike
Rest 60 seconds


6 Minutes @85-90% effort:
8/6 Calorie Ski
8/6 Calorie Row
8/6 Calorie Bike
Rest walk 2 minutes
x 3-5 sets


Friday 3.21.2025