Olympic Weightlifting Seminar w/ Providence Barbell Club - April 26th & May 3rd

Full Range is proud to announce that we will be hosting a 2-part Olympic Weightlifting Seminar featuring Coaches David Ethier and Jarred Smith, owners of Providence Barbell Club.  Over the course of two consecutive Sundays, Dave & Jarred will be on-site providing hands-on instruction in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk.  All levels are welcome, and we encourage anyone that is interested in improving their skills in the lifts to not miss this opportunity to work with some of the best coaches in New England.Both Sunday sessions (April 26th & May 3rd) will run from 11am - 1pm, and the cost for attending both is $100.  Registration is now open, and you can reserve your spot by following the link here!To learn more about Dave, Jarred, and Providence Barbell Club, check out their website here.If you have any questions, please email jake@fullrangecrossfit.com with the subject line "Lifting Seminar."


Wednesday 2.26.2020


Tuesday 2.25.2020