Saturday 10.19.2019


In teams of two, partners will alternate tasks to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:20 Walking Lunges w/KBs in Farmer's Hold (24/16kg)30 Box Jumps (24/20")400 Meter Run


Complete as many reps/calories as possible at each of the following 4-minute stations:Eight rounds of:20 seconds of Assault BikeRest 10 secondsRest 2 minutes, and when the running clock reaches 6:00…Eight rounds of:20 seconds of BurpeesRest 10 secondsRest 2 minutes, and when the running clock reaches 12:00…Eight rounds of:20 seconds of Ski ErgRest 10 secondsRest 2 minutes, and when the running clock reaches 18:00…Eight rounds of:20 seconds of Box Jumps (step down)Rest 10 secondsRest 2 minutes, and when the running clock reaches 24:00…Eight rounds of:20 seconds of RowingRest 10 seconds


30/21 Calorie Assault BikeRest 2 minutesx 2-3 sets+20/15 Calorie Assault BikeRest 90 secondsx 3-5 sets+10/7 Calorie Assault BikeRest 45 secondsx 5-7 sets


Monday 10.21.2019


Full Range is Hiring!