Saturday 10.26.2019


In teams of three, with only one partner working at a time, complete three rounds for time of:600 Meter Relay Run w/Medicine Ball30 Strict Pull-ups90 Wall Balls60 Medicine Ball Sit-ups


Every minute, for 6 minutes:Run 100 Meters**increase effort with each set; rest walk the remainder of each minuteThen…10 minutes @strength-based pace:10 Cossack Squats (5 each side)15 Dumbbell Hammer Curls20 Dumbbell Floor Press25 Banded Good MorningsThen…10 minutes @ hard pace150m Row15 Sit-ups30 Double-Unders or Singles5 Dumbbell Renegade Rows


90 Second Row @fast pace200m easy run60 Second Row @faster pace100m easy jog30 Second Row @fasterer pace50m easy walk15 Second Row @max effortRest 2 minutesx 4-5 sets


Monday 10.28.2019


Friday 10.25.2019