Saturday 12.5.2020 (Home Workout)


A. Two sets of:Perform 20-30 seconds on each side of the following movements…*Station 1 – Lateral Plank Walk (go back and forth for the 60 seconds, since you'll most likely run out of room)*Station 2 – Single Leg Lateral Hops (over a line)*Station 3 – Single-Leg Glute Bridge Hold*Station 4 – Side Plank Hold*Station 5 – Fire HydrantsMove through this with as little rest between movements as possible. It should take between 12-15 minutes in total.B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:10 Pistols (or Cossack Squats, Curtsy Squats, or Skaters Squats)15 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups20 Push-ups200 Meter Run or 20 Calorie Row, Ski, or Bike(if you do not have access to any of these, perform 60 Double Unders, or 30 seconds of Jump Rope (or Lateral line hops) + 30 seconds of Mountain Climbers)Rest as needed, then...C. Three sets of:Single Arm Overhead Press Variation* x 8-12 reps each arm @2111Rest 60 secondsGood Mornings x 10-15 reps @ 3011Rest 60 seconds*Press variations from easiest to most challenging:Standing Push PressStanding Strict PressHalf-Kneeling Strict PressHalf-Kneeling Arnold PressL-Seated Strict PressL-Seated Arnold Press


1 Minute @easy pace1 Minute @moderate pace30 Seconds @easy pace30 Seconds @tough pacex 7-10 rounds (21-30 minutes)*If your pacing is inconsistent, take an extra 3 minute rest after Set 4 or 5 before moving on.


Monday 12.7.2020 (Home Workout)


Friday 12.4.2020 (Home Workout)