Saturday 9.19.2020
In teams of two, alternating movements, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:20/15 Calories of Rowing, Ski Erg, or Concept 2 Bike Erg20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)20/15 Pull-ups or Alternating Plank Rows20 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)Partners will alternate movements, so Partner A performs 20 Calories,, Partner B performs Dumbbell Snatches, Partner A performs Pull-ups…and so on.
5 minute easy Bike+Bike 60 seconds @85-90% aerobic effortBike 60 seconds @easy effortx 5 rounds (10 minutes)Rest walk 3-5 minutesx 2-3 sets