Thursday 10.13.2016
A. Take 15 minutes to cycle through the following, with minimal rest between exercises:100-ft Uneven KB Carry (one in Front Rack, one in Farmer's Carry; switch each set)1-2 Wall Climbs100-ft Heavy Sandbag or D-Ball Carry (hug at the chest)8-10 V-UpsRest 5 minutes, then...B. Four sets of:15 Seconds Max Effort Ball Slam (30/20 lb)Rest 15 seconds30 Second Max Effort Burpee onto PlateRest 15 seconds45 Second Max Effort Row for DistanceRest 2 minutes between sets
You can find today’s workout here:
For time:750 Meter Ski3 Mile Assault Bike1.5 Mile Run