Thursday 4.9.2020
*Join us for our #LiveFullRange Nutrition & Lifestyle Info Session tonight (Thursday 4/9) at 7pm EST. Link to the Zoom meeting is in the email we sent out, and in our Facebook Group!
Recovery-Based Day. Choose one of the following two options, or, if you'd like something more intense, check out one of our workouts from earlier in the week!Option 1 (Cyclical)30-40 Minute Row, Bike, or Ski @easy pace*every 5 minutes, complete:3 Half Turkish Get Ups Each side5 Inchworms w/Push-up11 Air SquatsOption 2 - Mobility SessionInstead of an explanation video, each movement has it's own video to guide through the session.A. Three sets of:Cat/Camel x 5-10 breaths(Inhale as you look up and lightly arch your back; exhale as you tuck the chin and round your entire back)Rest as neededLying Hip Rotations x 20-30 seconds each side(Use you hand to gently push and pull on the knee)Rest as neededB. Three sets of:T-Spine Open the Book and Around the World x 4-6 each sideRest as neededFrog Rocks x 8-12(Rock back and forth with your knees out wide and your chest up tall)Rest as neededC. Three sets of:Cobra to Down-Dog x 6-8 reps(Try to breathe through the entire movement, bend your knees if you have to)Rest as neededDead-Bugs x 16-20 reps(Keep lower back in contact with the floor)Rest as neededD. Breathing WorkFinish with 5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose… Brief hold in… Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing up a big balloon)… Brief hold out.
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets of each):Odd Intervals -- 400 Meter Row @80-85%Even Intervals -- 400 Meter Run @80-85%