Thursday 5.21.2015


A. Every three minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):Overhead Reverse Lunge w/ Plate x 16-20 repsSupinated-Grip Strict Pull-Ups x 6-8 repsB. Against a 3-minute running clock, complete the following:10 Burpee Toes to Bar(perform a burpee, immediately followed by a toes to bar; sub is 10 Burpees + 10 Abmat Sit-ups)200 Meter RunDouble Unders x max repsRest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of five set


A. Every three minutes, for 12 minutes(4 sets):Overhead Squat x 3-5 reps @21X1Supinated-Grip Strict Pull-Ups x 6-8 repsB. Against a 3-minute running clock, complete the following:10 Burpee Toes to Bar(perform a burpee, immediately followed by a toes to bar)200 Meter RunDouble Unders x max repsRest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of five set


Rest Day/Active Recovery


Eight sets of:Row 1 minute @85-90%Rest 1 minuteRest 4 minutes, then...Eight sets of:AirDyne 1 minute @85-90%Rest 1 minute


Friday 5.22.2015


Wednesday 5.20.2015