Wednesday 1.20.2016


A. Three sets of:KB/DB Waiter's Carry x 100 ft/armRest 45-60 secondsHollow Hold/Rock x 40-60 secondsRest 45-60 secondsB. Four sets of:Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps @3011Rest 90-120 secondsC. Three rounds for time of:15 Pull-ups or Ring Rows30 Goblet Walking Lunge Steps60 Double Unders or 200 Meter Row


A. Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy-ish single Snatch (not a 1-RM), then...B. Every 30 seconds, for 8 minutes:Snatch x 1 rep @65-70% of 1-RMC. Three rounds for time of:15 Pull-ups30 Goblet Walking Lunge Steps60 Double Unders


You can find today's workout here:


Three sets of:2000 Meter Row @80%Rest 2 minutes1000 Meter Row @90%Rest 2 minutes300 Meter Row @100%Rest 2 minutes


Should You Be Counting Your Macros?


Tuesday 1.19.2016