Tuesday 9.3.2024


A. Three or four sets of:
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 8 reps @ 21X1
Rest 15 seconds
Single Arm Kettlebell Row x 10 reps each arm @ 21X0
Rest 15 seconds
Band Pull Aparts x 12 reps @ 20X0
Rest 60-90 seconds

B. & C. Same as "Performance"


A. Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Pause Split Jerk* + Split Jerk

Perform 1 Split Jerk with a 2-second pause in the dip, and 2-second pause in your split (just as you did on 8.23.2024), then perform a Split Jerk with no pauses.

*Sets 1-3 = 65-75% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 4-6 = 75-85% of 1-RM Split Jerk

B. Three sets of (10-12 minutes):
Filly Carry x 150 feet (switch halfway)
Rest as needed
Banded Face Pull x 12-15 reps @ 10X1
Rest as needed

C. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
3 Burpees
6 Toes to Bar (or Strict Hanging Knee Raises)
9 Wall Balls


6 Minutes @85-90% effort:
8/6 Calorie Ski
8/6 Calorie Row
8/6 Calorie Bike
Rest walk 2 minutes
x 3-5 sets


Wednesday 9.4.2024


Saturday 8.31.2024