Friday 10.2.2020
A. Three sets of:Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 2011Rest 45 secondsWall-Facing Handstand Hold x 20-30 secondsRest 45 secondsBottom's Up Kettlebell Walk x 30 seconds/sideRest 45 secondsReverse Plank Hold x 30-40 secondsRest 45 secondsB. Three sets of:45 Seconds of Glute Bridge Dumbbell Skull CrushersRest 15 seconds45 Seconds of Zottman CurlsRest 15 seconds45 Seconds of Banded Good MorningsRest 15 seconds45 Seconds of Plank Walk-UpsRest 15 secondsChoose a weight on the Dumbbells that you can move for the entire 45-second interval. The goal of these is volume accumulation and time under tension -- not speed. Do not rush through reps in an effort to get more of them.
A. Four sets of:Deadlift x 5 reps @75-80% of 1-RMRest 3 minutesDuring your rest periods, practice Handstand Balancing for 30-60 seconds (Freestanding, Shoulder Taps/Hold Against the Wall, etc.)B. Three sets of:45 Seconds of Glute Bridge Dumbbell Skull CrushersRest 15 seconds45 Seconds of Zottman CurlsRest 15 seconds45 Seconds of Banded Good MorningsRest 15 seconds45 Seconds of Plank Walk-UpsRest 15 secondsChoose a weight on the Dumbbells that you can move for the entire 45-second interval. The goal of these is volume accumulation and time under tension -- not speed. Do not rush through reps in an effort to get more of them.
Row 200 Meters @2k PR Pace (or moderately fast)Row 400 Meters easyRow 150 Meters @2k PR PaceRow 300 Meters easyRow 100 Meters @2k PR PaceRow 200 Meters easyRow 50 Meters @2k PR PaceRow 100 Meters easyRest 3 minutesx 3 sets*If performing this on the Bike Erg, double the distances