Thursday 10.1.2020
A. Three sets of:Single Arm Dumbbell Row x 6-8 reps each arm @2111 tempoRest 30 seconds, then...Weighted Alternating Pistols x 10-12 reps (or Cossack Squats x 6-8 reps each leg -- use an upright for support if needed here)Rest 30 seconds, then...Wall Sit x 45-60 secondsRest 2 minutesB. Against a 12-minute running clock:1200 Meter Runfollowed by as many rounds and reps as possible of:4/3 Strict Pull-ups (Advanced option -- 1 Rope Climb)8 Single Arm Front-Racked Kettlebell Squats (24/16kg -- switch arms at 4 reps)
Row 200 Meters @2k PR Pace (or moderately fast)Row 400 Meters easyRow 150 Meters @2k PR PaceRow 300 Meters easyRow 100 Meters @2k PR PaceRow 200 Meters easyRow 50 Meters @2k PR PaceRow 100 Meters easyRest 3 minutesx 3 sets*If performing this on the Bike Erg, double the distances