Monday 11.18.2019


A. Three sets of:Front Squat x 4-6 reps @32X1 tempoRest 45 secondsStrict Pull-ups x 5-7 reps @21X0 (or Negative Only Pull-ups x 3-5 reps @51A1 tempo)Rest 45 secondsHollow Hold x 30-40 secondsRest 45 secondsSingle Arm Trap-3 Raise x 8-10/sideRest 45 secondsB. For time:40 Calorie Row30 Walking Lunges w/DBs20 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (only the front head of each Dumbbell needs to touch the floor on each rep).Choose a load on the Dumbbells that will challenge you -- especially on the Ground to Overhead.


A. Six sets of:3-Position Clean(high-hang, above the knee, below the knee)Rest 2 minutes between setsSuggested loading per set (by %): 60, 65, 70, 70-75; 75-80; 75-80B. For time:40 Calorie Row30 Strict Handstand Push-ups20 Ground to Overhead (115/75 lb)


(Courtesy @aerobiccapacity)Row Workout3x (400m at moderate pace, 200m at easy pace)Rest 2min3x (300m at fast pace, 200m at easy pace)Rest: 2min3x (200m at faster pace, 200m at easy pace)Rest 2min3x (100m at fastest pace, 200m at easy pace)Total: 5400m


Tuesday 11.19.2019


Saturday 11.16.2019