Thursday 7.16.2020
*Reminder: Olympic Weightlifting with Coach BB returns tonight at 5:30pm!
A. Three sets of:Split Squat x 6-8 reps each leg @30X1*Rest 45 secondsBarbell Bent Over Row x 8-10 reps @21X0Rest 45 secondsSupine Leg Lowering x 10-15 reps @30X1Rest 45 seconds*If you have the strength, balance, and mobility to do so, perform these Split Squats with your rear foot elevated on a bench or low box.*Load the Split Squats with a Barbell, Single Kettlebell, or 2 Kettlebells in a Front-Racked Position.B. Against an 8-minute running clock, complete:2 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)2 Calorie Echo Bike or Row (whichever you didn't do yesterday)4 Wall Balls4 Calorie Echo Bike or Row6 Wall Balls6 Calorie Echo Bike or Rowand so on, adding two reps/calories every roundScore as the last full round completed plus any additional reps (ie. finishing the round of 16, then 14 Wall Balls into the round of 18 would be scored as 16+14).
On the Concept 2 Rower (courtesy of Chris Hinshaw):1000m easy200m moderate300m fast100m easy90 sec rest---800m easy200m moderate300m fast100m easy90 sec rest---600m easy200m moderate300m fast100m easy90 sec rest---400m easy200m moderate300m fast100m easy90 sec rest---200m easy200m moderate300m fast100m easy*Can also be performed on the Bike Erg, with 2x the distances.